Other equipment
Name of the machine: Rapid Milling Spindle PDS and ABB robot IRB6640
Type of the machine: Rapid prototyping machine
Restrictions: dimensions of the product, materials, precision, access to use the machine
ABB IRB6640 Rapid Milling system
Manufacturer: ABB and PDS
Model: ABB IRB6640/180-2,55 robot, IRC5 controller, spindlePDS XLHS 110
Functioning principle: material removal by the rapid milling process
Dimensions of the cell: six-axis robot(1000x1200x2500 mm), controller (600x800x1200 mm), fixture for the product
Cell includes: robot manipulator, robot controller, spindle, worktable, and fixturing
Working area: maximum machining volume 1500x2000x3000 mm
3D machining precision: about 0,1 mm
Production time: depends on the products dimensions and complexity
System 3D model in ABB RobotStudio simulation environment

Name of the machine: mechanical testing machine
Type of the machine: Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
Restrictions: dimensions of the product, access to use the machine
Mechanical testing machine
Manufacturer: Instron
Model: Instron 5969
Functioning principle: tensile strength, dynamic load
Dimensions of the machine: test bench (1000x1200x2500 mm)
Unit includes: test bench, PC with software, grippers
Working area: test piece according to standards
Speed: adjustable from 0,001 mm/min up to 600 mm/min
Testing software: enables to test and formulate results
accordingly EN 10002-1, EN ISO 527-1, ISO 10275, and ISO 10113